Sunday, January 29, 2012

Another Adventure

We are in DC and finally getting settled in.  We are here for a year or two, for my job as the Global Partnership Director of the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action - MAMA  It's a partnership between USAID, Johnson & Johnson, the United Nations Foundation and the Mobile Health Alliance.  My office is in Dupont Circle at the UNF buildings.  The kids and I have a beautiful, light-filled apartment in McLean Gardens, a 23 acre community in Northwest DC, just blocks to the National Cathedral.  We have lots of open space, a dog park and community garden nearby and it feels like a nice mix of urban and a bit of nature.  We've just finished our first full week of work and school and so far, we are all adjusting pretty darn well.  Xavier and I arrived a week ahead of Sophie and Rosie, accompanied by my Mom, who is here helping out for a couple of weeks.  Xavier and I spent our days juggling incredible logistics to get thins in place - balancing rental cars, buying a new car, getting furniture delivered and shopping for everything from toilet paper to pans to bedding.  He was truly a trooper and we both found ourselves generally exhausted and speechless at night while we ate dinner and dropped into bed.  But, the basics were in place by the time "the girls" arrived a week later and the kids were able to start school last Monday while I started my regular in-the-office work days and Rosie started getting used to having scheduled dog walks by a dog walker.  My mom spent her days getting us organized at home and we now feel like we are fully launched into this particular adventure.  

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