Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Banned from the PetCo

Rosie, our humapup (she thinks she's a human), is.....neurotic.  She has issues.  But, we love her.  Amongst her issues is the fact that she has some strange spinal/nerve problem that can make her get very testy when her paws are touched and can make her go crazy when the vibration of the grooming shears is on her paws. City dogs tend to be more well groomed than Vashon dogs.  But, even by my island standards, she really needed to be groomed.  So, I drugged her up with pain pills and muscle relaxers and took her in to PetCo.  I told them about her condition and they just wanted confirmation of her rabies shot - smart move.

As I was browsing through the store not 5 minutes after I dropped her off, my name was called on the intercom and I was asked to come back to the grooming area.  I took a deep breath and cringed as I headed back.  The groomer - a dark skinned woman - was covered in white power from head to foot.  It was quite a sight!  She had used  the high powered dryer on Rosie and was blasted by a cloud of white dust.  My jaw dropped when she asked what the powder was.  She finally told me to close my jaw and answer her question.  I realized she probably thought my dog's kinky fur was the hiding spot for a significant amount of cocaine.  I recovered enough to finally tell her it must be the dust and carpet residue from our apartment.  The other employees thought it was all pretty funny and kept calling the groomer "Casper".  

About 4 hours later, the groomer called and asked me to pick up Rosie right away.  Apparently, she was freaking out.  They had to double muzzle her and she nearly broke a pair of grooming shears with her flipping around and trying to get away from the groomer.  When we picked her up, they had done the best they could, but she ended up looking like a bobble head dog with a fluffy face and fully shaved body.  I was fully expecting them to tell me she was banned and not to bother coming back.  Instead they said "next time you call for an appointment, just ask for Casper and we'll know who it is" - and no doubt be conveniently booked up for the foreseeable future!

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