Sunday, February 5, 2012

Things I'm Getting Used To

Moving is always a big adjustment.  But, moving from a small, rural-ish island in the Puget Sound to Washington, DC is a really big adjustment.  Both places are quite unique and for very different reasons.  Here are the things that still catch me a bit off guard:

1) Sirens - lots of them, all the time
2) Taking 20 minutes to drive 3 miles
3) Spending more time driving in circles to find a place to park than actually getting to a destination
4) Walking through a metal detector at my kid's school
5) Showing my ID all the time
6) Having to constantly show proof of DC residency (apparently this gets faked a lot for purposes of parking passes and enrolling kids in schools)
7) Feeling lonely in the midst of so many people (work, kids and getting settled have trumped social outings)
8) Walking up and down 4 flights of stairs to do everything from taking the dog out to schlepping groceries
9) The incredible blend of cultures, world flags, languages, foods and history packed into this small District
10) Stores open all night
11)  Paying an enormous sum for a 2 bedroom apartment
12) Subway outages - everything from escalators to the trains themselves
13) Having to use my navigation system to get to and from just about everywhere
14) Trying to figure out how to navigate round-abouts that have inner and outer circles and at least 12 streets extending from them - even the nav system doesn't help here
15) Seeing the sun almost every day!

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